Tuesday, November 27, 2007

50 things i love

This used to be on my friendster "About Me:" field. Now that I have simplified my description, it's time to file this away.

1) Loyal friends
2) Good manners
3) Weekends
4) Winning
5) Night-outs
6) Promises kept
7) Phone calls
8) Good books
9) Giving compliments (no one ever gets enough)
10) Dancing
11) Singing in the car
12) Hugs
13) Repartee
14) Worn-in jeans
15) Rock climbing
16) Ice Skating
17) Karaoke
18) Good conversationalists
19) Receiving gifts
20) Dinner & Movie nights with friends
21) Puto bumbong, timtams, planter's cheeseballs
22) Sunsets
23) Meeting new people
24) Working out
25) Second looks and double-takes
26) Cuddling
27) Roller coasters
28) Getting to a place the first time
29) Being in love & being loved
30) Road trips
31) Being right
32) Smelling good
33) A shower
34) A bargain
35) Cakes
36) Yellow lighting
37) Travelling
38) Cool weather
39) Photography
40) A baby's laugh
41) My family
42) My guy
43) Things happening as expected
44) a smile
45) Stargazing
46) Honesty
47) Bread crust
48) Rain
49) Sleepovers
50) Naps

Sunday Sightings

Cobes & I have been seeing interesting things these past sundays...

at church (and I am sorry if my attention wavered for awhile!) Jaws pointed out to me & I pointed it out to Cobes someone wearing what looks like Michael Jackson inspired pumps! Sinful!


and these colorful christmas trees from Play & Display! check out the BLACK tree at the very right... sooo cool!Colored_xmas_trees_1

now what about this? a tester...


Monday, November 26, 2007

Enigmatic Epiphany

I initially wanted to watch “Enchanted” because I heard from friends that it was entertainingly funny and that I haven’t seen a movie in awhile. Add to the fact that Patrick Dempsey is starring in this movie made it all the more a must-watch, haha!

_11942094291436_1Sure, a usual Disney-formula movie would have the singing and the amusing forest creatures running about with the cast. I liked the fact that the script has a fresh structure. There are zings & one-liners here & there. The fact that the “one true love” song bothered the lead because it was not only cheesy but that everyone else knew it but him. That at the end, it was the guy who was being held captive by the beast atop a New York building (ala-King Kong) and the girl climbing up the shingles on her bare feet (you think heels would work?!?!) brandishing a sword to rescue him… what a twist!

But what I didn’t expect was the attack on the bitter & cynic’s path on loveEnchantedmovie9 & relationships. Amidst all the extremities between a rose-colored & jaded view, you will realize that love is a feeling -- warm and fuzzy. Not likened to a store-bought item. A strong emotion that no one can ever put off or protect yourself from even after all the past mistakes (shall we name names now? Haha!). Moving forward is natural. And on a personal level, I am glad I have moved forward. Not bitter nor cynical, but in a better place & a lot wiser. I know what I want. I am proud that I do not see it as a business quest. Not a requirement of self-fulfillment or declaration of completeness. It is destiny. Not merely a convenience. To really have that one true love, you must get that warm, fuzzy feeling! The problem for a lot of people is that they cannot differentiate infatuation from the real emotion. Maturity is what filters it. With the right level of maturity, you can see clearly. You will never feel desperate. You will never feel alone. And in that state of completeness, you will be found.

I, along with my family & my friend Cobes, left the theatre in high spirits. With perfect timing, a textmate of mine sent this quote. Appropriate icing to the cake of a movie that I just had.

“Like what they always say, love will come when you least expect it: at the right place, at the right time, under the right circumstances, that “awww” moment will come eventually. Hoping is not a childish or desperate thing to do. In fact, it is a mature thing to do; thinking & believing that some things work out for the best even though it seems other wise.”