Monday, August 20, 2007

Rant & Raves

Rant: parking was hard to find at ATC tonight, i drove around for 20 minutes and ended up parking on the outside... haaayy..



1. slept all day
2.found a long time uploaded Bonnie Bailey song "Too Little, Too Late" in my iPod, love it!
3. found a nice pair of cutoff pants on sale -- 50% off, hehehe!
4. heard a Fil-Indonesian artist named Lala do a kick-ass version of Coldplay's Yellow on the radio.
5. leveled-up my Herbalist in the Pirates online game that i'm playing.
6. had a yummy slice of cake in Red Ribbon.
7. it rained.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Image416 I arrived at the mall wearing my gray striped polo.

Image417I was on the lookout for a new wallet when I suddenly realized my get-up needed a splash of color.

Image421_1Out of four shirts I tried on, this maroon & pink striped shirt suited my mood that day (and complimented my polo) well.

Image422Of course a few test shots didn't hurt... hahahaha!