Wednesday, August 09, 2006


With one of my two fave radio stations on retro music mode, I had to settle for the nonsensical babbling going on with the other. Good thing they slipped into a trivia game where a local celebrity would challenge one of the station's DJs. Losing would mean drinking a concoction of random food ingredients mixed in a blender ala-Fear Factor and, since both challengers were female, growing their armpit hair for a month (eew!) to be displayed on the website, hahahaha!

Now, I did pick up a few things listening to the whole episode, but guffawed most of the time coz there were a lot of stupid answers.

Question: If there was a kid, born 1990 & whose birth date was tomorrow; how old would he be today?
Answer was, of course, 15.
One of the girls answered "uhm... 23 or 24?"

One of them answered "electricity equals mass times gravity squared!"
Gravity???? I can forgive Electricity, but Gravity?!?!

10That same day, unable to nap, I found myself watching the pre-season finale of America's Top Model Cycle 4. One of their challenges was to be a TV correspondent. Now what surprised me was that they couldn't pronounce certain words. "Issey Miyake" was one of them. I could let that go, remember, these are the average american women. "Au Revoir", Im not sure if I should be so kind as to overlook this. But the word "magenta"??!? I was appalled!!! Hahahahahaha!!!

Imagine if they had to say this word: "antidisestablishmentarianism" I looked this one up, its in the English Dictionary. Its a mouthful, but worth the tongue-twisting if you can easily pull it off the first try.


At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wouldnt the kid born in 1990 be turning 16 now in 2006? ;) hehehe, ronz ha! math! ;p wehehehehe...

and which one is cycle 4 again? i dont remember that part u were talking about anymore cuz thay're about to start cycle 7 na here! imagine! oh! i can name all 6 winners of top model! :o) hahaha...

remember when i wanted to shave my head into a mohawk? that was cuz of naima! she was my fave of that season, doesnt she kinda look like jlo? :) and she has a twin sister!

At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ronz said the kid should only be 15 kasi his bday is tom pa. gets? so 15 palang sha today :)

yeah naima is pretty cool... but in the finals, i was rooting for kahlen :) haha. i like her stamina.. and she really came out of her shell in that show.. as in from nothing to being one of the final 2!? whoa!

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, yah, ronz pointed that out to me too.. i blame my dyslexia! ;p hahahaha


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