Sunday, July 09, 2006


When will I get my heart back from the repair shop?

Wd_jaws_chalkparty05I was chatting up a storm with my best friend Jocelle. Both she & I went thru our worst break up to date! She was ahead by a month or two. So whatever she went thru, im like a stage or two away.
Currently, she's caught between a rock & a hard place. Not sure if going ahead with this new guy is actually gonna guarantee her safety from another letdown.

Jaws: but then... if that's the case, then how are you really going to protect your heart right? i just feel our hearts are the ones we should always protect as it is the most fragile and vulnerable... but it is still the one we offer fully.. open and beating... in the palm of our hands... exposed and prone to being crushed
Jaws: sorry i'm babbling... obviously I've been thinking about this over and over again....
Ro: no, its ok
Ro: i welcome this
Ro: kasi im already anticipating this
Ro: not only from you; but from me as well
Jaws: i tried ronz.. i tried so hard to make pigil... you guys know this.... i just thought stay the course... but i guess i didnt realize that staying the course or jus riding the current brought me through the escalation of things....
Ro: well then DRIVE mare!
Ro: you're stronger than this!
Ro: you're on the track na, how will you let the race go?
Ro: win diba?! fight ka na girl
Ro: you're against yourself
Jaws: sigh... i guess i really should just go through this with a stiff upper lip
Ro: one step at a time FROM THIS POINT FORWARD
Ro: naglalakad ka nga, pero ambilis mo eh
Ro: slow down and listen to your feelings per step
Jaws: sigh.... you're right... i will.....
Ro: relax and breathe
Ro: if u cant slow down, pray for CLARITY
Ro: so u know where ur going even if ur fast
Jaws: true... very true ...
Jaws: and hindi naman Nya ako pababayaan right? if He put me to this.. He'll bring me through it.
Ro: yep
Jaws: i guess in the end.. it's all FAITH....
Ro: and thats what He wanted to teach us diba?
Ro: in the end, He wants us to have what?
Ro: faith
Ro: in HIM

In the end, she discovered that she still has the ability to care for another person. The one thing that we were both afraid of, is that we'll morph into a cynical, bitter, closeted-hopeless-romantic. Sure, we now have our newborn doubts and fears. But we both discovered the fact that we heal well. I used to say that Im not a fighter, Im the other twin. It looks as though I have become a fighter as well.

With that, I clutch my claim stub firmly. And wait for the day when I get my heart back from the repair shop. Good as new.


At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the hell is going to happen to us ronz?! I'm so scared! you've got your heart back from the repair shop... but now we're so afraid to drive... baka mascratch uli... hay ewan! bahala na si batman. leche!


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